News and history for people named Tortorello, Tortoriello, Turturiello, and other variations.

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Anthony "Shebo" Tortorello, descendant of Giuseppe was killed in action on June 12, 1944, six days after he landed in the first wave on Utah Beach on D-Day with the famous 70th Tank Batallion. His body was never recovered and it is believed he was incinerated in his tank near the town of Montebourg in a vicious battle that lasted four days on the drive to capture the important industrial and port city of Cherbourg, France.

The 70th Tank Batallion fought in Sicily, Nuremberg, landed on Utha Beach in France on D-Day, and participated in the liberation of Paris. Here is a link to Roberts Armory, a WWII reenactment unit focused on the 70th Tank Batallion. It is rich with history and historic pictures.

Shebo is in the center, with the cigar as usual.

Shebo is on the right. 1/4/1944.

Shebo in back row, third from left. Notice the bullet and shell pocks in the wall behind them.

Shebo on the right.

Shebo on a hot day, probably in training in the US.

Shebo in the goggles, front row, second from right.

Shebo on the left.

Shebo on the left.

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